A consumer-oriented cannabis conference is underway this weekend, featuring everything from joint-rolling workshops to sessions on consumption tools and extracts.
That’s not all.
The Georgia Straight‘s second Grassroots Expo at SFU Harbour Centre also features presentations on cannabis and sex with Laska Maria Freeman, working in the cannabis industry from Kwantlen Polytechnic University, and top-flight legal insights from crusading cannabis lawyers John Conroy and Kirk Tousaw.
It takes place until the end of the day.
Then, there’s a range of discussions on Sunday (September 16) from 10:30 a.m. until 4:45 p.m., including home cultivation for beginners by Tom Ulanowski and a guide to cannabis’s new regulations by David Brown.

I’ll be moderating a panel discussion called Weed Behind the Wheel, with Sarah Leamon and Grant Gottgetru.
That will be followed by presentations on cannabis dispensaries, followed by a look at the role of cannabis in the opioid crisis.
One of the panelists at that session will be Sarah Blyth, executive director of the Overdose Prevention Society, which was raided yesterday by Vancouver police for providing low-cost cannabis to opioid addicts.